In short, we have to decide every day what tasks strategically align with our objectives at work, at home, in life.
There is no magic way to achieve this but rather multiple ways to increase our personal ROI.
Urgent VS Important
Our brains are drawn to immediately respond to urgency. But just because something is urgent does not equate to it also being of high importance. Urgent tasks highjack our attention from important work that advances us toward our goals. Before undertaking any task, ask yourself, “Is this important?” If not, make a note of it to address later instead of dropping everything to tackle it immediately.
When our To Do lists are lengthy, we overwhelm ourselves and end up achieving less. There will always be work that needs done but making a conscious decision on what rises to the top helps us focus and accomplish the things that are critical.
By using the 1-3-5 method, we can set ourselves up for maximum productivity.
- One very important task
- Three tasks of medium importance
- Five little things
Plan Tomorrow Today
At the end of each day, plan you To Do list for tomorrow. What are your 1-3-5 things that need completed? Are there any items from today that need carried over? Strive to complete any carry-over work before beginning anything new, with the exception of your top prioritized task.
Minimize Distractions
Email. Phone calls. Personal errands. Social Media. Lengthy meetings. Chats with colleagues. Each of these pulls our attention away from our ONE THING. Each time we are distracted, it can take up to 25 minutes for us to refocus.
It is easy to allow ourselves to be disrupted or engage in busywork. To achieve the things we’ve prioritized as most critical, we need to take control of our time, distributing it properly. Schedule set times every day to return calls, check/respond to emails, and connect with colleagues. By decluttering our routine, we can increase our focus on the things that need our undivided attention.
Schedule Brain Breaks
It is important to take periodic breaks. Working through lunch or sitting at our desks for hours on end is draining and unhealthy. Schedule times to get away from your desk. Step outside for a breath of fresh air or a quick walk. Take time to eat lunch and socialize. These breaks are refreshing and highly beneficial to productivity, creativity, and wellbeing.
We all have 24 hours in a day and only so much can be achieved during this time. By implementing some or all of these habits, we can make the most of the time we have, accomplishing critical work in a timely, efficient manner.