Easy means without problems or difficulty. A life devoid of adversity.
Living in ease is striking a balance between effort and the effortless. It is following the rhythmic flow of life. Living in ease is a choice rather than an unrealistic ideal.
We all experience challenging times, periods when we have to stand firm, overcome, work hard, push through. But even during these seasons, we can choose ease.
As humans, we often unconsciously seek out the most arduous path. Our ego thrives off external approval from others. We want to win. We want to be right. We want to impress.
There is nothing wrong with diligence, working hard, competing or having others express their appreciation of us. But when we always live in this place, we move away from our own authenticity and instead focus primarily on pleasing others. This ultimately leaves us feeling overworked, overwhelmed, stressed and unfulfilled.
Choosing a path of ease means, even when we are faced with a problem, finding the path that aligns with our truth. It is about doing the right thing, not the thing that looks best to others. Ease requires looking deeper, knowing ourselves and recognizing when we are being steered by our ego.
“Clearing clutter—be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual—brings about ease and inspires a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility.” ~Laurie Buchanan, PhD
Just as living a life of gratitude takes intention, living in ease also takes practice. It requires honest reflection and personal understanding of our deepest selves. It asks us to embark on a path of self-leadership and knowing that our worth comes from within.
The next time you are faced with adversity, enter that space thoughtfully. Consider how you can move through it with ease. Adversity by its very definition is never easy but our choice on how we handle ourselves, what we hold on to and what we let go of, can allow us to be more resilient, finding that balance between effort and softness.